Energy Healing Actual

What is Energy Healing? 

Energy Healing is an ancient method of healing .  It brings about: 

Balance • harmony • inner peace • self awareness , spiritual reconnection, development & growth

Energy session currently available

For the Mind

Rest, relaxtion and renewal

Emotional release and balancing

Mental Calm, clarity and focus

For the Body

Rest, renewal and Revive

Menstruation Cocoon & Deep dive

Menopause support and healing

For the Spirit

Chakra Balancing

Aura cleansing & Energy Clearing

Soul Connection

Energy healing is a gentle, non-intrusive method of either hands-on or hands-off healing.

In erngy healing sessions the modlaities and practices that I use include reiki, crystal, colour, numerology, vibrational healing, sound healing, tachyon energy and metatronic healing

Energy Healing works on all levels of your being, not just your physical but also your mental/emotional and spiritual levels.   During a treatment healing energy flows through your whole body.  It has a natural way of flowing through the body, being drawn to where it is needed the most to clear blockages, tension and dis-ease in the physical body.  

Energy. healing session draw upon the ‘Universal Life-force Energy’ , an energy that is Divine Grace that will bring Light to your life and the lives of others and so help to create healing, wholeness, happines and wellbeing in our livesHeaven on Earth. 

Energy healing helps you to embrace the part of the Divine within you, your truth which seeks to restore the harmony, the light and the beauty which makes up who we truly are and are here to be.

Energy healing is a beautiful journey of self discovery.  It is another aspect of the never-ending journey on the path to the refinement of the Soul and to Enlightenment. 

How does Energy Healing feel?

Everybody’s experience of an Energy Healing session can be different but generally one feels  warm, calm and deeply relaxed during a session. It is a wonderful opportunity not only for relaxation and rejuvenation but also to bring deep healing, balance, wholeness, alignment and integration to Body, Mind and Spirit.

Energy healing sessions are amzingly supportive thouhout all stages of your life and safetly complient and support traditional western edince practces as well as alternate and compluemtary pracoces.

Whereever you are on your spiritual journey energy healing can aid and uspport in tegration and processing of stuff andenahance ocnntet to slef and your intuitive and phsycic abioities. Alsogive you greater sense of self understand, self knowing, eself empwoerirment, self trust and self conenction ebaling you to tune into your own inner guidance and tools within,

Is Energy Healing Safe?

“ Energy Healing is a gentle yet powerful complementary therapy that may be used with confidence alongside orthodox healthcare.  As such, it expands treatment options. Energy Healing is not, however, an alternative to conventional medicine. You should therefore always consult a GP about acute or infectious conditions, and in conditions with problems of an urgent nature. “

Energy Healing can contribute to:

Relief from stress and anxiety 

Increased balance, harmony and inner peace in your life 

Greater clarity and focus 

Restoring of body, mind and spirit 

Self awareness, development and growth 

Feeling more whole and complete 

Increased zest for living and renewed optimism  

Increased self confidence and self empowerment

Accelerated health of body, mind and spirit 

Spiritual growth and expansion 

A deeper connection to Spirit and re-connection to your Truth 

An awakening or enhancement of your Spiritual gifts, talents and Divine Life Purpose 

Greater expression of your Mastery and Divinity 

“It is my intention and purpose on this Earth to help you remember who you are in truth, to help you re-connect to your higher self , to help you access and unleash your gifts, qualities and full potential , as well as helping you remember and re-connect to you soul’s purpose.”

Sophia Grace